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Hi Guy's this Is Anil Vishwakarma as You know  that alreaddy about me today we are going to that how use us number or other country number in whats app or we can say to that in other language we can use whats up without sim so
in google play store provide many  apps for spoofing and use this app
1.) Textplus
3.) voppee

and you can search in play store type" phone calling app  " so that
download any one app
1.) go to app and generate you us number
2.) after open whats app put your us no +1 ****
3.) confirm by call verification Or Massage
4.) Done
Now You Use....!!!
If You Have Any Problem them massage me
By Unknown | 0 comment

Hollow this is Anil Vishwakarma & A while ago when the HTC U11 was reported in Taiwan, I went very close with every one of the hues and keeping in mind that all look astounding in their own particular manner, the one that emerged the most was the interesting Solar Red. The best hues are normally justified regardless of the hold up and the Solar Red release just made it to advertise half a month ago.eo would enable you in getting your any Mi to telephone into recuperation mode.

 put your telephone in recuperation mode. In the event that you don't know how to put your Mi telephone in recuperation mode then beneath vidThe HTC U11 is the Taiwanese maker's lead for 2017 and arrives in a scope of hues, however imagine a scenario where there was a version that went up against the shades of a mainstream hero. An… Iron Man Edition? All things considered, it may look similar to the Solar Red HTC U11.

Red cell phones aren't new however the remarkable light-moving outline of the HTC U11 implies the Solar Red shading is not at all like whatever other cell phone shading. What makes it really unique is the way the U11 shading can move and change contingent upon the point of the light or what you're looking like at it and the red U11 consolidates this with a shocking shading with a striking impact.

As the name proposes, the Solar Red HTC U11 presents a brilliant red complete however the plan of the U11 implies you'll see shades of yellow or gold relying upon what you're looking like at it. Truth be told, it helps me to remember something else that has a considerable measure of red and gold: Iron Man. Given that HTC beforehand employed Robert Downey Jr on a two-year business crusade, and given the shade of the Solar Red U11, it could have been an awesome tie-in for the organization to call it the Iron Man Edition. Looking at that as an Iron Man Edition telephone sold for over $90,000, it could likewise have given an intrigue income stream to HTC.

Sadly, this isn't an extraordinary release of the telephone and shading aside, this is a normal HTC U11. That implies it accompanies the most recent equipment that the consistent HTC 11 does, including a 5.5-inch QHD Super LCD5 show secured by Gorilla Glass 5, IP67 clean and water resistance and a 12MP back camera. The whole bundle is controlled by the most recent Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 processor with 4 GB of RAM and 64 GB of capacity, or 6GB of RAM and 128GB of capacity.

It's not all flawless but rather we positioned it an impression 9 out of 10 in the HTC U11 audit, which means HTC's lead positions as exceptionally as some other cell phone this year. You'll need to get used to an extremely elusive telephone that pulls in fingerprints and does not have an earphone jack, however in the event that you can move beyond these weaknesses, you'll have a telephone that offers a lively show, phenomenal sound involvement, astounding camera and strong form quality.

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Hi Guy's This
Anil Vishwakarma
Toady We are Going To that how to remove Mi Cloud Verification so that let's start now These cloud based administrations propelled right off the bat propelled by Apple to shield proprietors gadgets from falling into wrong hands and notwithstanding giving you marvelous cloud reinforcement administrations is GOOD doubtlessly however infrequently it feels torment in ass and for Apple still there are no apparatuses accessible to sidestep or evacuate Apple's iCloud Account confirmation. Yet, as you most likely are aware Mi has likewise propelled the cloud administrations and if by fortunes you are screwed over thanks to the Mi cloud confirmation handle, not make any difference what the case was then we have a decent instrument that could without much of a stretch sidestep or expel the Mi cloud check benefit and enable you to utilize that telephone effectively.

Presently on the off chance that regardless you didn't get what this little device will do, well you may have seen a little message "this telephone is related with Mi account" so all things considered it is possible that you can only login with the record qualifications or you have to leave the telephone as it won't work. So on the off chance that you have overlooked your Mi Account Password it is possible that you can reset it or this apparatus can sidestep that message and enable you to utilize that telephone effectively.

Download Mi Cloud Account Unlock Tool for Free

Most importantly you require the device, well I have transferred the device on the server, so you can snatch the connection from beneath and download the device for nothing. Its a .rar record so you will require WinRAR to open the document, so make you download and introduce the WinRAR application on your windows PC

Presently comes the best part, after you have downloaded the device, its opportunity to know precisely how this apparatus will function and what all you require to get this working.


So now your Mi telephone's cloud account check would be avoided, you can cripple that as well in the event that you require, this is the best and speediest approach to evacuate your telephone on the off chance that you have overlooked its secret key. I trust you appreciated this post, do remark beneath on the off chance that you are stuck into some issue while utilizing this instrument, have a fabulous time and do impart this post to every one of your companions: PEACE


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McAfee found in the Deep Web a ransomware-development packs that enable simple to assemble malware in only 3 stages, actualizing a fascinating model of offer.
In the criminal underground it is anything but difficult to discover malware-development units that enable simple to assemble malevolent code from existing formats and in same cases beginning from true blue applications. Another pattern risen up out of examination by specialists at McAfee is a kind of simple to utilize Ransomware manufacturer, this group of malware is winding up plainly significantly more well known in the criminal biological system and law breakers are attempting to catch this open door.

The ransomware-development units, named Tox, is accessible online for nothing in the Dark Web since May 19. The onion address of the site that offer it is

"We built up an infection which, once opened in a Windows OS, encodes every one of the records. When this procedure is finished, it shows a message making a request to pay a payoff to a bitcoin deliver to open the records. " states the introduction of Tox accessible on the landing page.

A client inspired by Tox can subscribe the administration to make their own infection. The creators clarify that it is very simple to make a ransomware in a couple of straightforward strides:

Choose the payment sum.

Enter your "cause."

Present the captcha

The makers of Tox ask for a rate of the sum paid as payoff by the casualties, they guarantee the secrecy of installments and malware exchange through Bitcoin and Tor organize. The creators of Tox guarantee that the discovery rate for the infections produced by the stage is low.

"When you have downloaded your infection, you need to taint individuals (yes, you can spam a similar infection to more individuals). How? That is your part. The most widely recognized practice to spam it as a mail connection. On the off chance that you choose to take after this technique make sure to compress the record to avoid antivirus and antispam identification." is accounted for on the official site.

"The most critical part: the bitcoin paid by the casualty will be credited to your record. We will simply keep a 30% charge of the wage, so on the off chance that you determine a 100$ payment, you will get 70$ and we'll get 30$, isn't this reasonable?"

The key component for Tox are:

Tox is free. You simply need to enroll on the site.

Tox is reliant on TOR and Bitcoin. That takes into consideration some level of obscurity.

The malware acts as publicized.

Out of the entryway, the standard of antimalware avoidance is genuinely high, which means the malware's objectives would require extra controls set up (HIPS, whitelisting, sandboxing) to get or anticipate this.antimalware avoidance is genuinely high, which means the malware's objectives would require extra controls set up (HIPS, whitelisting, sandboxing) to get or keep this.

The wrongdoing as-an administration show actualized by Tox creator is basic as powerful, the malware manufacturer produces an executable of around 2MB that is veiled as a .scr record.
Tox endorsers can disseminate it as they lean toward while the Tox shrouded administration will track any establishment and related benefit. Tox clients will get their assets specifically on the Bitcoin address they gave amid the membership stage.

"Upon execution, the malware scrambles the casualties' information and prompts them for the payoff, including the Bitcoin address for sending installment." states McAfee.

The master at McAfee clarified that the malware seems to need multifaceted nature and productivity in light of the fact that the designer has left a few recognizing strings inside the code.

"Tox-created malware is ordered in MinGW and utilizations AES to scramble customer records by means of the Crypto++ library. The Microsoft CryptoAPI is utilized for key era."

Tox infection initially downloads the fundamental segments to work, Curl and the TOR customer.

The specialists highlighted that numerous other risk on-screen characters will receive this model of offer, they additionally expect that malware creators will enhance avoidance capacities of their noxious operators and will utilize encryption to ensure malware activity.
By Unknown | 1 comment



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Hi guy's i Am Anil Vishwakarma Today everyone needs to know — Who went to my Facebook profile?, Who unfriended me from the Facebook Friend list?, Who saw my Facebook posts?, and numerous different components that isn't gave by Facebook as a matter of course.

So most Facebook clients attempt to discover a product and succumb to one that guarantees to fulfill their craved errand. Programmers make utilization of this shortcoming and regularly plan vindictive projects keeping in mind the end goal to deceive expansive group of onlookers.

Tailing I am going to unveil the substances behind one such programming outlined keenly to trap Facebook clients to make them trust it is veritable.

UnfriendAlert, a free application that tells you at whatever point somebody expels you from the Facebook companion rundown, has been discovered gathering its clients' Facebook qualifications.

UnfriendAlert Stealing your Facebook Credentials:

Security scientists at Malwarebytes have cautioned clients of the UnfriendAlert application saying that the infamous application asks clients to login with their Facebook accreditations to actuate unfriends checking and ready administration for your Facebook profile.

Facebook has given API OAuth login framework to outsider applications, where clients don't have to give their Facebook accreditations to them. So you ought to never present your Facebook secret key to any outsider administration or desktop programming regardless.

When you enter your login qualifications, UnfriendAlert will send it to the site "" possessed by aggressors.

Before the end of last month, UnfriendAlert was additionally named possibly undesirable system (PUP) which regularly shows undesirable commercials and misleadingly introduces different malignant programming and free applications when going by some website pages in your Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer, making you neglect to square them.

Uninstall UnfriendAlert and Change your Password Now!

So clients are prescribed to uninstall UnfriendAlert App from your PC, furthermore uprooting this, you are additionally encouraged to change your Facebook secret key at the earliest opportunity. You can do this under "Settings —> Password —> Edit."

Continuously do some examination before introducing any outsider application as your one single error could bargain your online security and protection in different

By Unknown | 1 comment

Microsoft on Monday affirmed that Windows 10 will be discharged July 29 as a free overhaul for PCs and tablets running Windows 7 and Windows 8.1, and on new Windows 10 gadgets.

The OS will be accessible for different gadgets in the not so distant future. On the other hand, Microsoft hasn't demonstrated which of the no less than seven Windows 10 constructs will be discharged.

Windows 10 incorporates the Start menu, which was gotten back Win 8.1 after its avoidance from Win 8 offended numerous clients.

Shoppers can hold free overhauls now.

New Features in Windows 10

Windows 10 elements Microsoft's Cortana individual computerized collaborator.

Cortana is coordinated into Microsoft Edge, the new program developed from the beginning Windows 10.

The new OS likewise incorporates Windows Hello, which welcomes clients by name. It incorporates biometric validation so clients can sign into their PCs without a secret key.

Windows 10 runs the full Office 2016 suite, in addition to new, Universal Windows applications for Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook that offer a predictable, touch-first experience over a scope of gadgets.

The OS additionally includes Windows Continuum, which changes desktop applications for cell phone utilization and the other way around, and lets Windows telephones be utilized as PCs.

What's more, Windows 10 lets clients play recreations on the Xbox Live gaming system utilizing their PCs or tablets.

Provisos, Warnings and Grumbles

Clients of Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 PCs and portable PCs need to enroll inside of one year to get the free update. The Enterprise releases of these OSes don't qualify. Clients of machines running Windows Vista or XP, or pilfered adaptations of Windows, don't qualify either. The free update is constrained by the life of the gadget its introduced on.

Cortana won't be accessible in all business sectors at dispatch. Windows Hello will oblige a particular lit up infrared camera for facial acknowledgment or iris recognition, or a unique mark peruser that backings the Windows Biometric Framework. Continuum for telephones will be accessible just on chosen models at dispatch.

No Pain, No New Feature Gain

Getting clients to buy another portable workstation or desktop so as to completely abuse the new components of Windows 10 is "totally the purpose," said Wes Miller, senior expert at Directions on Microsoft.

"While a current gadget is liable to work well with Windows 10, taking advantage of the new OS - on the off chance that you truly need to utilize all the new components, Windows Hello specifically - will probably oblige another PC," he told TechNewsWorld.

Still, most existing Windows applications that don't offer low-level security or administration usefulness will simply chip away at Windows 10, Miller said, albeit full in reverse similarity remains an issue.

"Microsoft is uninstalling their own particular Media Center element, regardless of the possibility that you paid for it before," he called attention to.

Kicking RT Users to the Curb

Gadgets running Windows RT won't have the capacity to move up to Windows 10, which perplexes Al Hilwa, an examination program executive at IDC.

That leaves buyers of Microsoft Surface RT and Surface 2 neglected.

"Since [these devices] would just run the ARM variant of Windows 10, one may envision that they would have the capacity to run Windows 10 Mobile," Hilwa told TechNewsWorld.

"Microsoft has chosen that Surface either has one of a kind equipment prerequisites that makes the machines not able to run this OS, or that the experience or testing cycle has not been sufficient for such bigger screen gadgets."

Simply Following Industry Practices

It's justifiable that Cortana won't be accessible all around when Windows 10 is propelled, Miller said.

"Google and Apple have done likewise previously, as confining a canny right hand isn't simple," he clarified. "I'd anticipate that it will touch base in different local people over the nearing months and years."

Windows 10 "will take a shot at a really huge swath of existing frameworks out there," Miller brought up. While existing gadgets' equipment will most likely be unable to adventure new components in the OS, "this is regularly the situation when another OS ships."

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Hi  As you know That This is Anil and i again come back with a awesome Hacking Trick for Android User. If you want to open or personal/social app of your friend/girlfriend so use this trick. Its work on all android phone.

First Open Menu and go to settings and Go To App Manager and Force to Stop( all running processing of app lock is stopped)
And enjoy.
It mean now you can access lock app without password.

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Hello i am Anil Today We Are going to how  to become a Hacker and Hacking is a connecting with field yet it is without a doubt not simple. To turn into a programmer one needs to have a state of mind and interest of learning and adjusting new aptitudes. You must have a profound information of PC frameworks, programming dialects, working frameworks and the excursion of learning continues forever. Some individuals imagine that a programmer is dependably a criminal and do illicit exercises however they are incorrect. Really numerous huge organizations enlist programmers to ensure their frameworks and data and are generously compensated. We have arranged a rundown of 12 most critical steps important to turn into a programmer, have a deeper look


UNIX/LINUX is an open source working framework which gives better security to PC frameworks. It was initially grown by AT&T in Bell labs and contributed a ton in the realm of security. You ought to introduce LINUX openly accessible open source forms on your desktops as without learning UNIX/LINUX, it is impractical to turn into a programmer.

2.) C Language

C is  computer programs is the base of learning UNIX/LINUX as this working framework is coded in C programming which makes it the most intense dialect when contrasted with other programming dialects. C dialect was created by Dennis Ritchie in late 1970's. To turn into a programmer you ought to ace C dialect.

 3.) Know to Code OF more the Tow or three language 

It is critical for a man in the hacking field to take in more than one programming. There are numerous programming dialects to learn, for example, Python, JAVA, C++. Free eBooks, excercises are effortlessly accessible on the web.

4.) Knowledge About Networking

 An alternate essential and crucial venture to turn into a programmer is to be great at systems administration ideas and seeing how the systems are made. You have to know the contrasts between distinctive sorts of systems and must have an agreeable comprehension of TCP/IP and UDP to endeavor vulnerabilities (provisos) in framework.

Understanding what LAN, WAN, VPN, Firewall is likewise imperative.

You must have a reasonable comprehension and utilization of system devices, for example, Wireshark, NMAP for bundle examining, system filtering and so on.

5.) Knowledge About More Then Two Or Three Operating System

It is fundamental for a programmer to take in more than one working framework. There are numerous other Operating frameworks separated from Windows, UNIX/LINUX and so on. Each framework has a proviso, programmer needs it to adventure it.


To turn into a fruitful programmer you have to ace the craft of cryptography. Encryption and Decryption are imperative aptitudes in hacking. Encryption is broadly done in a few parts of data framework security in verification, secrecy and honesty of information. Data on a system is in scrambled structure, for example, passwords. While hacking a framework, these scrambled codes needs to be broken, which is called decoding.

7.)Compose Vulnerability (Loop opening system)

An open source PC security task helps you a ton in cleaning and testing your hacking aptitudes. It's not a no problem to accomplish it. A few associations, for example, MOZILLA, APACHE offer open source ventures. Contribute and be a piece of them regardless of the possibility that your commitment is little, it will increase the value of your field..

8.)Never ending Learning 
Learning is the way to achievement in the realm of hacking. Persistent learning and rehearsing will make you the best programmer. Keep yourself redesigned about security changes and find out about better approaches to adventure frameworks

9.)Know All Info About Hackers

Most imperative for a programmer is to make a group or join gatherings, discourses with different programmers around the world, so they can trade and impart their insight and act as a group. Join Facebook gatherings identified with hacking where you can get more from specialists.

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 So there are my site who is providing Proxy but right now we will learn how to use Google translator   As Proxy

1.) Now I am Giving a Link|en&u=

2.) Change And Done

Note:-In the event that you utilize this deceive, you are not certain to secure your protection, this sort of association gives you a chance to see boycotted or banned pages however does not hide your IP address.

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hi I am Anil so Do you know there are over a great many sites and programming that claim to hack Facebook secret key of any record? They'd ask you the victimized person's profile ID, possibly your accreditations and some cash as well and will purportedly let you know the secret word which, frankly, never lives up to expectations. Ever ask why? Wowser why, they're FAKE! They're a trick which deceives you by one means or another in losing your cash or your own particular Facebook account. Simply issue it an idea, why might Zuckerberg and his group burn through Billions of Dollars on Facebook if one could hack it in under a moment? Today, we'll investigate this point in subtle element with some sample sites and programming and get answers to some regular related inquiries.

In 2005, I went over a component that purportedly hacked Yahoo mail secret key for a client utilizing some basic traps. It didn't work for me for clear reasons yet I didn't quit accepting the likelihood until I grew up to acknowledge how defenseless I am here. One of the significant concerns of substantial associations like Facebook and Yahoo is security due to the super touchy data about individuals they have. A few hundred million dollars are spend yearly by these associations to guarantee security and after that there's these sites that claim to fix all that insurance in under a moment.

Crack Facebook password Sites and Software

How about we begin with a few samples here. I googled the subject and picked the top results without request. Couldn't have cared less to hunt harder on the grounds that there are thousands such and I realize that all are FAKE.

Their FREE Facebook programmer system is said to be fit for splitting the secret key of any Facebook client inside a day. Sounds cool, I could attempt it out, however my Norton Antivirus rejected the document straight.

I additionally grabbed another. This Hack-Fbook-Password requests that I enter the profile ID of a client and it will break the secret word. I said Okay and started the methodology.

It ran certain calculations to focus the secret word lastly arrived me on a page that said I could DOWNLOAD the watchword IF I fill an online overview first. Those of you who've been diverted to overviews would know they don't work and are put simply so to get activity and gain cash.

I said possibly I ought to leave the site now however hey, they issued me a prize!

Give me a chance to get this straight to you, these sites do nothing at all simply squander your time and are never ready to carry out the employment. Actually, downloaded projects simply exacerbate things when you run them. I had my Norton Antivirus to monitor me else I could be in serious risk at present.
These product are generally keyloggers and following projects that record your keystrokes and activity and take individual data from your PC out of sight and send it to their expert servers. So eventually a programmer wannabe gets hacked, how humorous!
Starting now and into the foreseeable future the post, I'll be utilizing the expression "Programmer" for these sites and programming following you're no all the more in the position to be called that.

why did do Hackers

Setting up sites, keeping up them and creating programming is not a simple assignment. It obliges some cash. So why do these "programmers" do all the bother? This is on account of they receive proportionate or more cash consequently.

They can separate your Visa points of interest and other managing an account information from your framework and utilization it for their preference. They can hack your record and utilization it for wrong purposes. Issue me one motivation behind why one wouldn't take cash and hack represents no misfortune.

why peoples hack Facebook

Why do individuals attempt to utilize such unbelievable hacking techniques? This is on the grounds that its stunning to me, its incredible to you yet not to the individuals who are very little acquainted with the working of a product. They get in the web of these programmers and in the long run get botched pretty awful without assent.

The sites give assurances furthermore depict their "nonexistent" cheerful clients in order to trap a peruser. Such strategies are straightforward regardless intense and serves further bolstering their good fortune much of the time. This is additionally why there are a great many such sites accessible.

So That Facebook Account  is Unbreakable 

All things considered, NO. Facebook records can be hacked. No online administration is idiot proof and that is a direct result of the imperfections and bugs in their product. There are a few ACTUAL programmers on the planet who can dissect a site's security and utilize that against it in this way making hacking a reality.

Anyway I'm 100% certain none of them uses these trick and fake sites that claim to do the outlandish.

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Google will now ad lib on a client's scrolling knowledge in its Chrome program as it plans to bolster Pointer Events, a standard that was initially presented by Microsoft in Internet Explorer. Normally, the general touch support for Chrome program on a Windows tablet offers a poor scrolling execution and Google arrangements to take a shot at this fix by presenting Pointer Events.

Pointer Events offers some specialized favorable circumstances over the current utilization of Touch Events and Mouse Events. The Verge reported that Google has constantly wanted to center its endeavors on supporting Touch Events, a strategy utilized by Apple as a part of its Safari program. Microsoft, Mozilla and Opera have all embraced Pointer Events.

With this highlight,  scrolling and touch collaborations ought to enhance drastically in Chrome, included the report. Google declared this choice in view of the criticism from the web group. Programming Engineer on Google Chrome and ChromeOS Rick Byers uncovers that, "supplanting all touch occasion handlers with pointer occasion handlers will address the primary longstanding wellspring of parchment begin jank we see on Android."

Google appears to be sure that it will succeed in executing the new standard close by its current Touch Events support without influencing execution. Nonetheless, clients won't encounter this change instantly. The organization arrangements to require some serious energy to construct the bolster and test it with daily and week by week renditions of Chrome.
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hi guy's

Today we are going about game. there are million user play subway surfers but after some finish key coins you can't increase your score or facing some problems so that i am providing a apk file for android user and in which file unlimited key and coins and use to these key and coins you can increase your score.
      Download Now

Password Of Zip File:-Anil

Play and enjoy..!