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Some well-known public figures and Pages with large followings are verified by Facebook as having an authentic identity. You'll see a blue badge  next to a verified profile or Page's name.

These profiles and Pages may include:
  • Celebrities

  • Journalists

  • Government officials

  • Popular brands and businesses

Facebook verify profiles or Pages to help users be sure that the owners who they claim to be. 

A question that every one want an answer for it :

How and when Facebook will verify my page/account ?!

In Fact you can't request to have your profile or Page verified. Facebook verify your
page/account dynamically .

And that mean there is a conditions should be set before facebook system verify your page/account .

Facebook verified pages/accounts depends on numbers of fans/followers ,the actual fans/followers are unknown but for sure pages/accounts should have huge fans/followers . 

My page/Account have a huge number of fans/followers , what should i do to make my page verified ?

I mentioned above that verifying is dynamic , and while it is dynamic that means a gathering information happened about your

page/account before the blue verified button appears beside your name , in this case you need to help facebook gathering the correct details/information about you , here is the steps you should take :

  • First of all you need a website to hold your page/account name in the meta tags .

  • Link to your Facebook profile or Page from your official website .

  • Complete the About section of your profile or Page to provide more information

  • Edit your page category to one of the above mentioned categories that facebook verified .

  • Type your website URL in every post your share .

  • Place your fan page box in your website .

Click here : take a few minutes survey within my website and see how i do integerate my facebook page/account

within my website , also take a look at my page about .


Note that not every verified page/account is a real person/company/celebrity .. etc . because if any user followed the above methods he will got a verified page/account , last month there was a fake verified account for zuck and facebook delete it .


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